Wine Journal
A Message in a Bottle

ISBN: 978-0-578-60545-6
A Message in a Bottle Wine Journal guides you through a step-by-step wine tasting process while teaching you standard wine lexicon. No longer fear the wine vernacular, embrace it, enjoy it, record it.

What makes A Message in a Bottle Wine Journal different that every other journal out there, is that offers quick, intuitive way to record the wine you are drinking. Many of the most common aromas/flavors are presented in a simple checkbox and bubble format, so you can quickly go through the wine profile without need to write out every flavor or aroma. In fact, all the major clusters/groupings of wines are listed, so you can easily mark off things like Green Fruit or Tropical fruit by marking the appropriate bubble. But if you do run across a detailed aroma/flavor not pre-printed in the checkboxes, there are four (4) spaces to write in alternates. To make this easier, a full list of aroma/flavor clusters/groupings and their associated detailed aromas/flavors are listed as a reference in the journal.
Price: $8.95

Also available at Amazon, free delivery for Prime members.

Sizing Information

5.5 inches x 8.5 inches
Record up to 100 different wines.
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